Blackjack Strategy

Easy To Recall Vingt-et-un System

by Quinton on Dec.03, 2009, under Blackjack

[ English ]

One of the enjoyable means to bet on blackjack and be a regular winner is to compete like the dealer plays.

You could find more folks will bellyache at the tables if you do so, but why would you care? You will win, more consistently, over a period of time if you always compete like the dealer. Attempt it at home, on the internet, or live in the land based casinos on a "slow day," but ensure you try it given that it operates.

It is the simplest way to compete with no counting, absolutely no tens or fives or anything to recall. If you pause and ponder it, here is why this "plan" will be the only method you’ll ever need:

How regularly does a dealer show a 2 and end up making a strong hand? How frequently does a croupier show a 3, flip a ten, and end up making a powerful hand? How often have you split 8-8 against the house’s face and had 2 losing hands instead of one? How often have you split AA against the house’s face and had got losing hands rather than one?

It really is astonishing how the house can pull a hand out with initial hands valued at 12,thirteen,fourteen,fifteen, even sixteen. This occurs because it’s supposed to happen, as a result of the total of low value cards in the deck of cards and other elements.

Attempt this strategy and see if you compete any better than you did in the past. Remember, if you try this strategy or another one, do it regularly and with this one it means you play like the house every time. Just take cards till you get seventeen and stand.

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